Q: What’s SNAP?
A: The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program is federal assistance for food access.
Find out if you qualify for SNAP! Visit https://gettingsnap.org/ or call the Project Bread hotline at 1-800-645-8333.

Q: What’s HIP?
A: HIP is the Healthy Incentives Program that gives immediate rebates for SNAP purchases of fruits and vegetables at farmers’ markets, farm stands, mobile markets and CSA farm shares. If you have SNAP, you automatically receive HIP dollars each month.
Depending on household size, HIP puts back up to $40, $60 or $80 per month on the SNAP/EBT card. Check out our HIP info sheet to learn more about HIP and how to use it!
Check out these helpful videos explaining how HIP and
SNAP CSAs work
For more info on HIP, and where else you can use your HIP benefits, click the buttons below!