Volunteering at Just Roots is fun, educational and is a great way to get involved! Our volunteers — whether individuals or groups — are one of our greatest assets and we value their participation! We offer monthly opportunities, group opportunities, and Yorkshire opportunities–see below!
MONTHLY OPPORTUNITIES: (for individuals + small groups)

We will meet on the 3rd Saturdays of the month, June-September for all abilities volunteer activities! We These dates include June 18th, July 16th, August 20th, and September 17th. We will meet by the big red barn at 9am! Hours run from 9am-12pm (please feel free to leave before then), but we encourage you to stay, bring a lunch, and share a picnic with us from 12-1pm! We got plenty of tools, but feel free to bring your own gloves or gardening tools if you’d like! We encourage you to send a quick email to brooke@justroots.org if you’d like to attend so we can better plan our activities for the day!
GROUP OPPORTUNITIES: (for school, organization, & community groups)

We welcome groups to visit Just Roots to experience the farm, build team cohesion and give back to the community! Groups have helped to plant, weed and harvest, pick rocks, clean onions, and shovel mulch. We are happy to work with large groups. We ask that you contribute on our sliding scale to help Just Roots continue to grow healthy, local food and provide access to food and programming that build health, knowledge and community. Connect with our Community Events Coordinator, Brooke Bullock at: brooke@justroots.org to set up your visit!
WORKTRADE (trade farm work for a CSA share!)

Join us in the fields and greenhouses to work in exchange for a full CSA share! Join us either Wednesday or Thursday mornings from 9:00am-12:00pm, June through Mid-October. The exchange is one morning of your labor a week through the season for a CSA share! You don’t have to have any farm or gardening experience. Everyone is welcome!
If you are interested in being a workshare this season, please email Avi@justroots.org. We would love to get to know you a bit and talking more about what being a workshare is like before we sign you up!