Growing your own food at the community garden is a wonderful way to become more self-sufficient while also becoming connected to a resourceful, skilled, and vibrant local community.
The Community Garden is located on the east side of the main production field at the Greenfield Community Farm. Our garden is central to Just Roots’ mission of increasing access to local, healthy food in Franklin County. It was first established by members of the Pleasant Street Community Garden in Greenfield.
If you are interested in signing up, or to learn more, please contact us at: garden@justroots.org or call us at: 413-325-8969.

The garden contains 67 garden plots, managed organically by individuals, families, friends, and community organizations. Our beautiful garden shed, which holds our community tools, available to all gardeners, was built in 2013 by an all-volunteer team, led by builder extraordinaire Gary Seldon. The garden also contains a wheelchair accessible raised bed, a cobb oven, and two community plots with picnic tables – two of which were built by community gardeners.
Outside Resources